Las velas hinchables de Windsurf son la opción perfecta para que la gente aprenda a hacer windsurf.

Una vela hinchable de windsurf es fácil de manejar y cabe en tu tabla de paddle o ISUP consiguiendo que empieces a navegar desde la primera vez que te subes a la tabl

Una vela inflable es liviana y suave, lo que significa que es simple y segura de usar. ¡Si puedes remar, entonces puedes hacer windsur

Una vela inflable en su bolsa de equipo significa que puede salir al agua incluso cuando las condiciones no son adecuadas para el paddleboard

Nuestras velas inflables vienen en 2 tamaños perfectos: la primera es para niños a partir de los 8 años y la segunda es para jóvenes y adultos a partir de los 14 años.

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SUPFLY WINDSUP inflatable windsurf sails and paddle board conversion kits get you windsurfing in the easiest possible way. The sails are incredibly light so rather than spending your time learning to windsurf hauling and balancing a heavy sail from the water you spend your time actually learning to control the sail and the wind. Not only that - with only no hard parts to the sail there is virtually no risk to injuring yourself if you drop the sail or fall into the water. If you can stand up on a paddle board you will be sailing with this sail in just a few minutes taking all the pain out of learning to windsurf.
The SUPFLY inflatable sail also connects to any standard windsurf board which means you can just use it on any existing kit that you have. For the ultimate in soft boards though we make the WINSUP PRO ADAPTER which converts your inflatable paddle board into a windsurfer. If you just strap another sail on your board then it is very likely you will just drift sideways when you windsurf. However the SUPFLY PRO system comes with integrated fin holders and fins to make sure your paddle board behaves like a windsurf board and you can get windsurfing straight away.